12 Companies at SuperZoo Promoting Pitbulls!

While I always cover the pet trade shows with my favorite new pet product finds, (see that article on LIPetPlace.com), this time at SuperZoo, I began to notice something that really put a big smile on my face.  The cute dogs at the show, sure, how great it is to be in an industry where everyone is so happy to see each other and talk about the purpose and creation behind their products – absolutely. But what really made me incredibly happy is to see how many companies are now using American Pit Bull Terriers or pit mixes in their advertising. On their banners, brochures, business cards and on all their marketing materials. It is a change that is replacing the standard Lab, Golden, Beagle, Pointer and German Shepherds as the go to dogs in marketing and branding identities of pet product companies.

Amber Technology

And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love all dogs – I don’t care if the dog is small, big, purebred or mixed breed. I love all animals for that matter. So it is nothing against any breed or mixed breed. But if you are like me and happen to be a proud pet parent of an American Pit Bull Terrier or pit mix – you know how this breed has been so maligned, abused, mistreated (to say the very least), banned and misunderstood by the general public.

Wet Noses
Wet Noses

This breed of dog has been discriminated against so much so towns, cities, states in our own ‘land of the free’ have killed just because of what they may look like.  It’s absolute insanity to me.  They are just dogs after all! 

Chicken Soul for the Soul

As I was walking the show floor and speaking with different companies about that I was going to write an article about this – every single pet company said that is their dog in the marketing materials, and/or we have 1, 2, 3 or 4 pit bulls or pit mixes, and how much they adore the breed. 

Pooch Selfie

It is a pivot for the industry, a really good pivot meaning the more companies that are using pitbulls and pit mixes in their branding/marketing – are just showing they get it, pitbulls are just dogs, like any other breed or mix. 


So I wanted to recognize and give a big kudos to all the companies that are using our beloved pit bull and pit bull mixes in their advertising and branding in such a wonderful positive light.

Uber Dog Treats

Admittedly, I have noticed more Pit and Pit mixes in advertising while at Global and in marketing materials or ads over the past couple of years – but it just seemed more prevalent at SuperZoo.  


I am sure there were others that I missed, with 1,100 booths on the trade show floor – I did not get to every vendor there.  


Let’s hope that this continued positive light in which our American Pit Bull Terriers are cast in the pet industry, continues to grow and helps more people realize how wonderful this breed is. 
Of course the real hope is that breed specific laws (BSL) and discrimation goes away across the country.  Barbaric discriminatory laws like this do not belong in our country or world.   


Again thank you to all the companies for this sweet change.  I hope to see more and more of it! 

Nulo Dog Food
Nulo Dog Food

If you’re a pet product company and use pitbulls or mixes in your advertising or marketing shinning a positive light on the breed, please let us know.  Email below…


Please email us to let us know about your pitbull related branding! Info@AmericanPetProfessionals.com

Shorty Rossi's service dog. :)
Shorty Rossi’s service dog. 🙂
